Hips, Glutes and Hamstrings

Our hips are made up of 4 muscle groups.

Anterior muscle groups is responsible for activities such as sitting up, kicking a ball, and lifting a leg to climb a ladder.

The posterior muscle group is made up of the muscles that extend (straighten) the thigh at the hip. These muscles include the gluteus maximus muscle (the largest muscle in the body) and the hamstrings group. Climbing stairs, standing, walking, and running are all activities that require strong contractions from the posterior muscle group to extend the leg.

The adductor muscle group, also known as the groin muscles, is a group located on the inside side of the thigh. These muscles move the thigh toward the body’s midline.

The abductor muscle group is located on the lateral side of the thigh and moves the thigh away from the body’s midline.

Strong hip and glute muscles are essential in helping amputees have good control of the prosthetic side. Exercises that work the hips and glutes independently are necessary to build muscle balance.

Exercises for hips & Glutes


Kettle Bell Dead Lift – Targets hamstrings, glutes and lower back.

Band Walks – Improves hip stability, strengthens the hip abductors and the glutes.


Lateral Lunge – Targets the Quads, glutes, hamstrings and forces you to work legs independent, so you can’t compensate with sound leg.

TRX Knee Tucks – Strengthens the core and lower body.

Lateral Mt. Climbers – Target the hip flexors, hamstrings and groin.